LinWarrior r18 "Hazy Blur"
LinWarrior 3D r18
There's a new LinWarrior 3D source release [download link above first screenshot on this page].
- Enhanced look of landscape and sky
- Location markers and zones
- Mission messages
- Jump-jet-thruster vibrations (quite awesome!)
- Blueoading screen:
There's supposed to be a git repository for the project soon.
HackCraft's OGA contributions
HackCraft, the developer of LW3D, has made many small-but-useful contributions to OpenGameArt in the last few months.
PS: Aw, yeah, mech games.
PPS: I'm curious what kind of suggestions people come up with after test-playing this release, so feel welcome to comment!
LinWarrior r18 "Hazy Blur"
Reviewed by Unknown
6:45 AM
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